Fourteen states represented. Simultaneously held in four time zones. Over 500 registrants. Donations from alumni, friends and parents. Numerous Yote Hero stories shared. Announcement of the Klara K. Hansberger Endowed Professorship and first awardee, Mee-Ae Kim. And, a Yote News update from the College’s Theatre Professor, Joe Golden.

These are just a few of the highlights from last Friday’s Virtual Scholarship Gala. Because the event was held online, people outside of the Boise Valley were able to attend remotely. The end result was another all-time giving record with a geographical reach well beyond the state and even US borders.

We still remember the initial conversation about the possible opportunity of pivoting this event to a virtual format to meet the moment. This pivot was very new for our client, The College of Idaho, yet not new for us and so with our guidance, they courageously followed our lead and lo’ and behold, the Yote Family showed up big and donated big. Adapting the Run Of Show from an in-person gala to a virtual gala offered the opportunity to truly showcase the many Yote Heroes throughout the evening and in the weeks leading up to the event, creating an event full of energy and entertainment, with the three live auction packages becoming the ‘commercials’ in between each of the highlighted video segments.

The initial goal for the Gala was $500,000, and that seemed a far-reaching goal at the time. Yet, thanks to the generosity of the entire Yote Family, the College reached an all-time record, raising over $550,000, with the donations still coming in as we write this post. The generosity showcased during this virtual event helps The College of Idaho provide an outstanding and affordable liberal arts education—one that prepares their students for a lifetime of success!

We would like to extend a special thank you to MaxGiving for all their support with this event, to our client, The College of Idaho and their Events Department for welcoming us to their family and trusting us with their virtual fundraising event, as well as our production live-streaming partner, the AndX Team.

If you were unable to participate during the live event, you can view the entire 2021 Virtual Scholarship Gala event online, click here.