Download the RFP Template -> HERE <-
If you’d like to get a digital online version of the document, please -> go here <- and download or make a copy (File/Make a Copy) upon editing your template live.
update as of 10/20/20 – the current template should state vs3
As a thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter, we’d like for you to have our Linear Virtual Gala Script with Technical Cues that is also FREE and available to download.
New to hosting online events? Join our Tech Tuesday Q&A YouTube Playlist that gets updated weekly with Virtual Event Technology & Strategy videos.
Other Resources & Guidance for Virtual Events:
- Virtual Fundraising Advice From the Pros
- Virtual Presenter Tips for Going Live
- Defining Virtual and Hybrid Events
- Virtual Tips for Nonprofit Speakers
- What to Expect Hosting Your First Virtual Gala
- Video + Virtual Fundraising Events
- Virtual Auctions with Artisan Auctions
- Virtual Solutions with Benefit Auctioneer Johnna Wells