01: Introductions – Event AV & Lighting, Demystified

Events: demystified Podcast
Events: demystified Podcast
01: Introductions - Event AV & Lighting, Demystified

I can’t believe that weeks and months of planning and strategizing have led to my very first podcast! I’m super excited to be bringing this content to you! My goal and desire over the years has always been to empower you: the event planners, the event coordinators, the executive assistants, the development directors, the marketing relation coordinators, the special event associates, the events ambassadors – you name it, basically anyone that has ever planned an event (aside from their birthday party) and whom at one time or another had to make some big decisions regarding technology and event audio-visual. I think they’re so much to be learned and my goal is to give you one extra tool in that shiny toolbox of yours that you go-to day in, day out in your everyday hussle in this world called: events. And while that’s quite a broad term, my goal is to give you enough relevant information that can be applied across most common type of events: from conferences to corporate events, to fundraisers, to team-building and executive retreats type of events. Each episode we will touch on a topic related to technical planning, audio-visual and lighting management and productions of events.
I’m super excited to kick this off and I sure hope you’re coming along!

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00: Promo – Event AV & Lighting, Demystified

Events: demystified Podcast
Events: demystified Podcast
00: Promo - Event AV & Lighting, Demystified

If you’re an event planner or working under any capacity in the event industry and have to deal with Audio Visual, Lighting and Technology, this Podcast is for you!

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