If you’re an event planner that is charged with the task of taking your in-person event virtually, but have no idea what that actually entails, you’re in luck. We’ve created a FREE template that you can use right away as you’re searching for the right technology provider/partner to help you in pivoting your event to virtual.  This template will give you all the right questions to ask, as well as the right answers to give to your virtual event technology partner which not only communicates your needs but it also assists in providing accurate and necessary information to the provider so you can receive back an accurate and targeted proposal.

In this template you will find core elements and key details that need to be included in your virtual event RFP, such as, just to name a few:

  • deadlines and event dates;
  • type of event (100% virtual, hybrid, in-studio, on-location);
  • push feed time, as well as actual program start time;
  • live stream destinations (landing page, social media platforms, website, etc)
  • type of content, sharing locations and deadlines;
  • host, benefit auctioneer, speaker(s), entertainment elements & format.

RFPs are a great tool to tell your story, your event’s objective and the value for the online audience, so take the time to give the recipient of your RFP a comprehensive overview of your organization and virtual event that you need assistance with producing. Make sure your future AV partner understands your needs and why you think they might be a good fit for you. For the sake of the relationship that you’re building, it is also a good idea to be transparent and share your ‘why’ behind your event, as well as what worked or didn’t in the past. Lastly,  discuss your event’s strengths and challenges.  If your strength is continued growth in audience but you’re challenged with a flat budget, let your recipient know up front. You are letting them know as much about your event on a macro level, as well as on a micro level,  thus reducing uncertainty and increasing the chances of receiving more qualified proposals, even from sources you might have not considered originally.

As respondents look at your RFP, questions will inevitably arise. Be sure to include your name, company name, mailing address, email address and phone number in the RFP. Tell them which are your preferred contact options and how soon they can expect a response from you. Also, be sure to include a back-up contact in case you are unavailable.

While gathering all the necessary information might seem cumbersome and following all the steps may take a little longer to accomplish up front, by downloading our FREE Virtual Event RFP Template you will receive better, more targeted responses in the long run that will assist you in finding the right partner to pivot your event to virtual.