To say that a lot has changed in the event space over the last few months is an understatement, but there is some light at the end of the tunnel and we’d like to share with you a few important virtual event details that you need to provide your event producer or AV partner for a successful event. We’ve already seen some great requests from clients looking to dive back in and we’re excited to see our industry come together to keep it strong. Over the past few months, we have served and assisted many organizations with their virtual events, especially virtual fundraising during a time when many non-profit and for-profit fundraisers have feared that they will not be able to meet their annual budget goals. By pivoting to virtual, as a matter of fact, many of these organizations have raised more than they projected or hoped that they would, some way above previous year’s fundraising. And the good news doesn’t stop there, by going virtual, they’ve opened up to an online audience that otherwise they would have not been able to reach, an audience that could very much become a live in-person audience, in the near future. Virtual events, in one capacity or another, are here to stay and we’re glad to have this opportunity to share with you our tips and experience on producing virtual events so far, our hope being that more organizations would consider transitioning to virtual events and we could be a fit for you and your virtual event management and production needs.
In this episode I’m going to talk more about virtual events, about the type of information and content you need to consider and have prepared and ready before the date of your virtual event. We are here and ready to partner with you in transitioning your events to virtual, even beyond the post-Covid19 era, going into Hybrid Events – because you know that’s coming. We are taking steps to educate ourselves on ways to make event spaces safe and compliant so that future event attendees feel safe and ready to engage again in-person. Before we go on, download HERE your free RFP template that we will discussing in great detail and exploring together during today’s episode!
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